Sunday, April 27, 2008

I just got back from my less-than-24-hour trip to Bobo yesterday to see my friend Caleb. So here's the story... He's a pilot for Missionary Aviation Fellowship and is based in Bamako, Mali (it borders the western part of Burkina Faso). He emailed me back in February telling me that he arrived in Mali, but that flights to Burkina Faso were extremely rare... so I figured/accepted that I wouldn't see him while I was here. But then last week, he emailed me to tell me that they had a flight to Ouagadougou and that he could stay for a night or two here to hang out. But when I got back this past Thursday, he told me that the trip was cancelled and that he was going to Bobo instead (the second largest city in Burkina Faso). The next morning, at 6:45 am, out of nowhere, I got a phone call from a pastor in Bobo and he asked me to go to Bobo that weekend...So, I felt like it was sign that God really wanted me to go as well... so the next morning, I took a 5 hr bus to go see him... and I'm so glad that I did. It was great to just catch up with him and talk. It was really encouraging to hear what's been going on in his life for the past year, and I shared with him my experiences being here for the past year.

This is the hotel we stayed at!

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